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1.4 percent of online sales are fraud.

Bad Buyer List is a database for online sellers who have encountered problematic buyers and want to share their experiences with other sellers. Online sellers can search for potential bad buyers and avoid frauds and scam traps.

Instruction: you can search in our bad buyer list or report a bad buyer.

# Reported a bad buyer, but not received the confirmation mail?

Random bad buyers

Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at Comments
nigel green , marina green , louise green , 2018-05-10 0
Gaby Domingues 2013-05-06 0
Timothy M Casin (773) 640-9220 2019-12-23 0
Delandra Whetstone 3343206576 2024-05-07 0
Gabriel Barazza (520) 313-9522 2021-04-24 1
Rosalyn T Grace 3344623723 2019-05-06 1
Dale Franklin 2021-12-30 0