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Bad Buyer: Steven Jennings <>


Purchase date:August 2018
Buyer's name:Steven Jennings
Buyer's username:Steven Jennings
Buyer's address8520 NW Reed Dr Portland OR 97229
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

This asshole is the perfect example of why you do no favors for anyone. Sellers make policies and stick to them. You'll get these EBay rejects that go to your store if you take PayPal and try to pull their bullshit. This asshole will get the item and them immediately make up some bullshit excuse to file a dispute claiming the item was not as described. This illiterate jackass will make all sorts of claims saying the keyboard is too short basically he's making every excuse because he buys something and doesnt like it. Terms are clearly states in which this moron has no regards for and starts playing his bullshit games for nearly 2 weeks. Our policy is that once assholes like this moron file a dispute we're done communicating with them. They have no intentiosn of ever working things out with a seller and basically just want to blackmail you into giving them things for free as they dangle the dispute over your head. Same case as this asshole, we tell him 10x close the dispute and we'll exchange it out no problems. This asshole continues to play stupid and doesnt bother to acknowledge what you wrote 3 different times over and over again. Just another dumbass moron. This asshole is nothing but a 2 bit bullshit liar saying he never head from the seller when we have it perfectly documented that we sent out the forms.

Sellers basically cancel this assholes sales, this moron belongs back on Ebay and not in the real world. WIll try to hold both your product and money hostage if you dont give into his bullshit demands. Thought he was a nice person, but ideally was just another asshole with a PayPal account that thought he could push people around.

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