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Bad Buyer: brianpresqueisle <>


Purchase date:May 2021
Buyer's name:Brian Bruning
Buyer's username:brianpresqueisle
Phone number:+1 510-798-4252
Buyer's address2900 Kingsland Ave, Oakland CA UNITED STATES 94619-3327
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

WARNING: eBay ID: brianpresqueisle. is cheater! threats and extortion seller to get free item!!!!

The buyer told eBay: just didn't like it. request return. But buyer kept the item and does not return the goods. The buyer claimed that he returned the item, but did not provide tracking number. When the seller asked him where the package was, For the first time, he told the seller that the package was still in American ports due to the epidemic. The second time he told the seller: China Post lost it. The third time he told the seller: it was stolen by China Post. The buyer lied repeatedly in order to achieve the purpose of fraud. He has deducted the shopping money from the seller PayPal through his bank. The buyer has got his money back, But repeatedly asked the seller for $300. He told the seller: I'm short of money right now and need it. Blatant extortion of sellers. eBay ruled that the buyer failed. When eBay decided that he failed, he continued to ask the seller to give him money, The seller flatly rejected its blackmail request. Because the buyer's fraud didn't succeed, He left retaliatory negative comments to the seller and lie in the comments.

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