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Bad Buyer: kreuzstrasse


Purchase date:March 2021
Buyer's name:R Martin
Buyer's username:kreuzstrasse
Buyer's address500 Del Rio Ct, Irving, Texas
eBay item #:203310964399
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Video Games

Buyer made me an offer on a sealed vintage video game. Later informed me that he screwed up his address, so I ended up going through the trouble of having the transaction cancelled and relisting the item so that he could buy it with the correct address. Later, when the item was delivered, he claimed that it didn't come with the console required the play the game. The listing description very clearly stated that the game did not include the console, and anyone with common sense would assume so. I circled this part of the description and pointed it out to him, and he shifted blame to me by claiming that it was my fault because "I didn't clarify that the game would be useless without the console". ( Apparently, he's the type of buyer that has to be told that doors won't work without walls. ) Opened a shill return claiming that item did not match photos on the box, EVEN THOUGH I received the item back sealed. Which means he didn't even open the box and look at its contents. So basically, this buyer failed to read the item description and wasted my time on top of costing me money for something that is essentially the fault of his lack of reading comprehension. Total idiot; glad he paid return shipping.

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