This dishonest buyer opens a claim on PayPal because it is too early to open on eBay. The bad buyer expects mailed items to be delivered in less than a week when it only costed a few dollars more to upgrade the shipping to ensure it delivers sooner when mail can take up to 10 business days. This bad business person does not value his clients and will abuse vendors for free parts as a result. Do not waste your time with this online bully as he does not desire to maintain a good standing with any local stocking distributor who has lots of stock (and there are not many in Canada). Probably the signs of a failing company when burning bridges over $12 is of no concern. |
This thief David stole from me too on Ebay ....his store is in Kanata Canada and it's called Computer Concepts's been robbed twice I guess payback is a b8^%tch huh David?
Posted over 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
Is Kanata, Canada pronounced like I think it is? Like "Canata, Canada?" Because that's hilarious.
Posted over 5 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM