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Bad Buyer: alfre_forre <>


Purchase date:April 2016
Buyer's name:Alan Forrest
Buyer's username:alfre_forre
Buyer's addressEdinburgh
Buyer's country:United Kingdom
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Toys & Hobbies

I got a negative from him as he claimed the item was damaged on arrival (I asked for photos/proof, but none were offered), I asked for an explanation from him and then was told that it got broken after his son had played with it. It would appear that he thinks it fair for me to held to account for damage caused by his son, incredibly unfair and irrational.

I tried to offer a solution, it was a very low priced item but the buyer wouldn’t see sense. He’s also left unfair feedback for others, I pointed this out to eBay and as usual they were completely unsupportive. Buyers like this make eBay not worth the hassle, not a decent man and should be avoided at all costs.

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