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Bad Buyer: Colin Raden <>


Purchase date:August 2018
Buyer's name:Colin Raden
Buyer's username:Colin Raden
Phone number:843-749-3401
Buyer's address902 Spruce St. Apt B Philadelphia PA 19107
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

Called this asshole point blank a disgrace to the uniform. Disgusiting and appauling to the US soldiers out there! Starts out this thief will start to make multiple purchases from numerous websites only to begin disputing them all for non receipt. Trying to basically see what he can steal before the sellers catch onto his fraud. Will go to sites, legally agree to terms and then immediately start filing disputes for non receipt. We should of cancelled this little shit's orders immediately that we have policies in place to do such that because we know theives like this one will file such disputes on every single charge. So just to catch this little asshole in his bullshit, we start emailing him directly stating exactly what were going to do, is file legal and federal charges against him. He keep son responding like its some 2 bit little game he's playing. and thats exactly what he was doing. Then we find out that he was a cadet down in South Carolina, we tell this asshole that we are going to contact the school report him for using their systems for fraud. Sitting there trying to play stupid, he starts making threats of trying to contact the state to use against us. We have legal agreement and proof you completed numerous times you little shit that clearly shows you attempting to commit fraud. Dont be surprised because we are going to do exactly what we told you!

For sellers, get rid of this little shit!

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