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Bad Buyer: nerdypictures


Purchase date:January 2021
Buyer's name:Sean Nobles
Buyer's username:nerdypictures
Buyer's address711 S Inglewood Ave Inglewood, CA
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card

Nerdypictures made the right choice breaking up with Woke Saigon for these reasons:

1.) Nerdypictures is the 4th guy out of 5 different men that she had relationships with.

2.) Woke Saigon Confirmed to have HPV which increases her odds of cervical cancer or even passing the disease onto her rug rat offspring.

3.) Cares too much about her brand. A 5 foot intellectually obtuse blowhard narcissist who uses Tiktok and Onlyfans to promote herself, which is why she is one of those manikin dummy models that video game companies use to sell their crappy designed games

4.) she’s condescending towards people who don’t go to UC colleges and has no empathy for small businesses struggling to survive in a pandemic.

5.) high maintenance woman with nervous/shaking issues. At least Wonder Woman can handle the face up position like a champ in the film WW 1984.

If Woke Saigon really cares about BLM, she would put on the Batwoman cowl, riot in the streets and vote out the democratic politicians, globalist corporations, Wall Street bankers and big tech oligarchs contributing to African American poverty under one party rule instead of soliciting donations to help fund a Marxist, Anti-Semitic organization.
As Wonder Woman said: nothing good comes from lies.

The worst thing about having a daughter is that the woman ends up being a Karen on one end OR a Slut on the other end. For nerdypictures former gf, she managed to be both before even reaching menopause. Total Screwup.

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