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Bad Buyer: tallorder2 <>


Purchase date:April 2010
Buyer's name:Jon Wolf
Buyer's username:tallorder2
Phone number:(509) 659-1406
Buyer's address110 W Birch Ave, Ritzville, Washington 99169
Buyer's country:n/a
Payment method:PayPal

bought item number 140394316343 (Second purchase) and had me send 380211736072 first one USPS Express.Both were the same item (Same Item) under user ID jwsrepair. He used this second user ID to get around my buyer restriction on 1 item per 10 days. He put in a false SNAD on paypal case on both sales.

This is a problem buyer with other sellers. He has a very high percentage of negatives for sellers. This buyer has been warned by eBay for violations.

I will follow through with a collection agency. Negative feed backs on eBuyerfeedback will be placed. Also I will be reporting to Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) regarding this.

Buyer's IP address:
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Similar reports

Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at
Jon Wolf (509) 659-1406 2010-04-20
Jon Wolf (509) 347-6284 2010-04-20


UPDATE: Buyer SNAD scam backfired. No reports to a government law enforcement agency or a collection agency have been made. None will be filed unless there are ant further developments.

Posted over 14 years ago by 173.128.X.X Report as SPAM
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