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Bad Buyer:


Purchase date:March 2017
Buyer's username:n/a
Phone number:650.961.8879
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Health & Beauty

MATIJA MOSUNIC told us and PayPal we were "scammers" and filed a fraudulent payment dispute with PayPal.

Buyer's IP address:
Reported at:
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This is me and this is not true. My payment was accepted by this company yet this company sent me an email saying payment was rejected by PayPal. The email also stated my order was cancelled. I saw on my PayPal account they accepted the payment, I described my situation to paypal and they looked at the records and they also saw this company had received my payment. I sent PayPal this cancellation email to PayPal. Any smart consumer would do the same as I did.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

MATIJA MOSUNIC is lying. Our company does not "accept payments", PayPal, a trusted 3rd party, does that for us. In MATIJA MOSUNIC's case, PayPal failed to notify us of this fact, so our store sent MATIJA MOSUNIC a friendly reminder that we had not yet seen her payment, but that perhaps PayPal was to blame for this and that we would look into it. MATIJA MOSUNIC then emailed us that she would tell PayPal that we are scammers, which she apparently did.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Her literal words were: "I will report you to paypal as a scam artist right now."

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

You later, when we explained to you the situation, wrote: "AM NOW ON THE PHONE REPORTING YOU AS A SCAM ARTIST."

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Seller first the name of the buyer just off the bat sounds like a pain in the ass wack job. First off, the buyer should of contacted the seller directly to see what was going on, but like any other moron buyer from PayPal, they freak out and dont use there 2 IQ points to contact the seller and give them a chance to explain. I dont believe for one second what the buyer says whatsoever. The fact that moron buyer can simply look into their account and see if the payment was reversed or not was confirmation if the order was cancelled or not. If the seller still had the payment, then the order wasnt cancelled. If the payment was cancelled by the seller, then it was cancelled. The seller id not charge the buyer's credit card it was PayPal. The buyer is a complete idiot moron that's been proven. The buyer is some 2 year old idiot, that somehow found the seller placed them on this site. How did the buyer find out so fast, unless you told them, that they were added to this site.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Thanks - we always publicly blacklist fraudsters and libelers and indeed, we then inform then of such by emailing them the URL's.

Posted almost 8 years ago by 141.101.X.X Report as SPAM

Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post.
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Posted almost 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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