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Bad Buyer: Marcie Engelhardt <>


Purchase date:July 2016
Buyer's name:Marcie Engelhardt
Buyer's username:Marcie Engelhardt
Phone number:513-709-4366
Buyer's address510 Hickory Hill Ln Wyoming, OH 45215
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Sellers cancel this asshole's purchases the second they make a payment. This walking piece of shit will file an immediately dispute 1 day after this asshole pays for the item. The bitch will be placed on the sales order, but they will to steal the product by placing alternate information other than the actual cardholder. This worthless piece of shit will file a dispute by calling PayPal directly after 2 days. We are filing mail order fraud charges against this asshole!

Buyer's IP address:
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This mother fucken piece of shit has the absolute balls to deliberately commit mail order fraud, loose the dispute and chargeback and then email us directly after we blacklisted this sorry asshole and ask for return as if nothing ever happened. You can give you return to the judge when you face fraud charges asswhipe!

Posted about 8 years ago by 24.190.X.X Report as SPAM

Thanks for sharing such a good info. gokdtjlek d klajdlkad

Posted almost 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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