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Bad Buyer: znmzac <>


Purchase date:March 2017
Buyer's name:Zwelani Ndhlovu
Buyer's username:znmzac
Phone number:447896191610
Buyer's addressEssex
Buyer's country:United Kingdom
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Musical Instruments

Buyer claimed they "did not like item" (digital download for electronic keyboard) knowing that it was intangible, therefore non-returnable... then went on to claim it was "not working" and "parts missing" item was re-downloaded tested by seller with no issues - explained to buyer. The buyer would not have it and demanded having a refund or something extra. This buyer had contacted the seller a few months previously to try and get a bundle of items for much cheaper than their worth. looking at the buyer's feedback they have a history of leaving poor feedback for sellers for items "not working" correctly. Buyer is a blatant liar and an attempted thief/scammer.

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