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Bad Buyer: Anna Paterson


Purchase date:December 2021
Buyer's name:Anna Paterson
Buyer's username:Anna Paterson
Phone number:226-989-5105
Buyer's address19 King St Branchton Ontario N0B 1L0
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Jewelry & Watches

Anna Paterson robbed me big time. Anna Paterson ordered multiple items and them MONTHS later opened multiple chargebacks with the credit card company. Anna Paterson likes to order items and not pay for them. This should serve as a warning to all other sellers.

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who the fuck are you? the same fucking story you keep repeating over and over about getting ripped off. No one is this fucking stupid. either these stories are fake or you the most stupidest seller on amazon!

Posted about 2 years ago by 68.193.X.X Report as SPAM
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