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Bad Buyer: Andrew Zwolinski <>


Purchase date:May 2020
Buyer's name:Andrew Zwolinski
Buyer's username:Andrew Zwolinski
Phone number:989-306-1398
Buyer's address3189 M 68 Rogers City MI 49779
eBay item #:Attempts to Buy High Ticket Items With Non Confirmed Credit Card To Steal Merchandise
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

And yet here we go again with another moron that will try to steal merchandise from you. This asshole will try to buy hundreds dollars worth of computer hardware and use a credit card that doesnt have a billable address. You think we are that stupid to fall for your bullshit asshole, so you can file disputes and try to steal something form us, Try again. Next time go waste someone elses time with your stupid bullshit games!

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