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Bad Buyer: Nick


Purchase date:January 2022
Buyer's name:nick pagano
Buyer's username:Nick
Buyer's address244 AUBORN AVE, SHIRLEY, NY 11967-1734
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:other
Category:Everything Else

Buyer messaged me a day after placing order saying that his 10 years old purchased the order by a mistake. At that point, the order was dispatched and impossible to cancel. Immediately after prompt and timely delivery, buyer messages and claims non-receipt. Obviously, Amazon issues a full refund and upholds their decision.

I am hoping the thieving criminal is enjoying his 10 year old having a free toy. This freebie was shipped by a hardworking teenage girl who is selling to provide for her single mum mother with a serious illness.

Disgusting criminal

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