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Bad Buyer: Shick Yun


Purchase date:September 2024
Buyer's name:Shick Yun
Buyer's username:Shick Yun
Buyer's address2 WOODSTONE ST, HOUSTON, TX 77024-6228
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card

Shick made a replacement order stating that an item was missing from the order, which was false. Tracking never moved for the item they were supposed to send back, so we canceled the replacement order. She then creates an A-Z claim and gets denied because she did not provide Amazon with the information they needed.

All she kept saying was that an item was missing and never provided any further information on what was missing causing the claim to be denied.

After Amazon denied the claim, she somehow creates a new return for the order and still has not shipped the return back.

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