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Bad Buyer: nes_headquarters


Purchase date:February 2019
Buyer's name:Scott Davis
Buyer's username:nes_headquarters
Buyer's address795 hightower rd wheatland, wy 82201
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Video Games

buys other sellers items then reports to Amazon false accusations of inauthentic. Does this to ruin his competition. BEWARE. ANY ORDER you get from him and wheatland WY area is more than likely a stealth buyer for this a****** trying to ruin your business. also uses family members and friends to buy his competitions merchandise and then he falsely reports to Amazon and eBay that people sold him fake items when they really didn't he does this just to ruin his competition. need to get a lawsuit going against this idiot ASAP. Many people have already reported him to Amazon and eBay for his actions. guy actually is a seller on Amazon and Ebay. BLOCK IMMEDIATELY. BEWARE !!!!!!!!

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You sell fake shit
Then complain when cought ..ahole

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

People be aware of fake non authentic items being sold on eBay and Amazon. Especially Pokémon games.

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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