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Bad Buyer: nancyleegnecco


Purchase date:October 2013
Buyer's name:Nancy Gnecco
Buyer's username:nancyleegnecco
Buyer's addressP.O. Box 744 Demorest, GA 30535
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

I recently sold an iPad mini on eBay. I've sold things before like my old iPod touch and a few other things. My mini went for a good amount of money and I was excited. As a young woman always trying to make ends meet I was proud of myself for being so resourceful and independent. However, the excitement wore off...

About a full week after the buyer received my item, it (I'm referring to them as it because this person doesn't really deserve my referring to them as a person at all) claimed they received the item completely smashed to pieces.

'What!?!' went through my mind, but after the shock wore off I began to wonder why? 1. The packaging was undamaged. Completely. Intact. 2. It took it a week to let me know it was damaged. 3. I packaged that iPad so well I could have mailed a baby and it would have gotten there safely. 4. I trust no one.

I, being the painfully honest thing that I am, even when, as a buyer, I received an item not exactly up to snuff have not used the buyer protection because I wanted to make sure I respected it and used it only when something outrageous and seriously fraudulent happened to me. So it NEVER occurred to me that anyone would ever take advantage of buyer protection. Yet, this thing did.

I lost close to $300 and she sent the item back. Its not even my item that I sold. She's a thief. BEWARE OF nancyleegnecco!

So now this hardworking girl is S.O.L and just lost a whopping wad of cash and her property was willfully damaged by an evil thing.

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