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Bad Buyer: omacammoc_0


Purchase date:November 2019
Buyer's name:Trevor Cammock
Buyer's username:omacammoc_0
Buyer's address5831 Hldl Bch blvd, # 39-70286, West Park FL 33023
eBay item #:163723997970
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Customer made purchase on Nov 13. Item tracking shows delivered to there "Freight Forwarding" address on Nov 18. Customer opened a claim on Nov 22 stating it is an unauthorized purchase. I called the freight forwarding company (SSMC Xpress International LLC). They stated the package was forwarded to the customer and customer received it on Nov 22. They would not however give me the customers actual country.
I contacted several people from the customers recent purchase list. They all claim the same thing. The customer said unauthorized purchase on all their packages within a month.
According to paypal, the customer had over a dozen open claims. They are investigating this as well. Paypal released my money back to me because of the possible fraud being committed by the customer.

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