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Bad Buyer: javielpajarito


Purchase date:July 2013
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:javielpajarito
Buyer's country:Spain
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

Check out the negative feedback this joker has left poor innocent sellers who he has scammed. He claims he didn't get the items he ordered, but from that many sellers. Then he asks them to send them out more free stuff. I am surprised eBay hasn't kicked him off yet. Look at all the negative feedbacks he's left other sellers. If you want to give away free stuff, he's your man. Block him, especially if you are a high-volume seller. He seems to target mostly high-volume sellers who don't take out tracking. He knows exactly what he's doing. Just check out how many negs. he's left others.

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By using this site you're in breach of eBay policy, If the user reported you, They can have your account banned immediately. If you think you're smart by using the site. Don't cry when you can get sued or have your account banned. It happen before.

Posted about 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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