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Bad Buyer: thompson brobbey <>


Purchase date:October 2012
Buyer's name:thompson brobbey
Buyer's username:thompson brobbey
Phone number:8626215210
Buyer's address1844 commonwealth ave 272 Auburndale MA 02466 United States
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Thompson Brobbey has made several attempts to purchase good from our website with numerous credit cards belonging to people from different states around the USA. Beware of this customer's fraud attempts.

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This same person using the name thompson brobbey just tried to purchadse a PS3 500 GB from my store on eBay and was caught when I was verifing US or Non US Buy verified. Thankfully this was caught and I was able to stop the person trying to scam one through PayPal.... Always update your password!

Posted about 12 years ago by 184.17.X.X Report as SPAM

The same person hacked my PayPal account and tried to use funds to purchase a playstation. The vigilant owner of the internet shop sent me an email to check it was authentic. Stopped in his tracks this time but not before a power of stress caused. Hope this dirt bag rots!

Posted about 12 years ago by 144.131.X.X Report as SPAM

Same person spent almost a thousand bucks at a hotel in our name

Posted over 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Posted almost 4 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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