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Bad Buyer: dianed44


Purchase date:November 2013
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:dianed44
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Jewelry & Watches

Sent her a beautiful tsavorite garnet & white sapphire ring. I know everyone says there items beautiful but this one really was. I resized it for her. As soon as she gets it she messages me with a list of complaints & that she's going to have to have her jeweler fix all these problems and I should give her a total refund for the expense. I told her very politely that I except returns and only give refunds with returns. That she should read my return policy and follow instructions. Well she messages me back claiming the rings now a fake and when her jeweler looks at it she's going to return it for a full refund and she's going to report me to eBay, & again a whole list of threats to me. That I should refund her before I get into all this trouble etc. She's just another scammer buyer on eBay trying to get a freebie!! If she had a jeweler then why not buy from them! Why threaten me in an attempt to get the ring for free!! Why fight me on returning the ring!! No return/No refund!! Why make up excuses as to why she can't return it!! Scamming buyer!!

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