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Bad Buyer: Chip Dumstorf <>


Purchase date:May 2021
Buyer's name:Chip Dumstorf
Buyer's username:Chip Dumstorf
Phone number:502-387-8248
Buyer's address640 South 4th St Suite 300 Louisville KY 40202
eBay item #:Stupid Asshole That Purposely Wastes Your Time Violates Policies
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

You run into stupid assholes like this one that thinks they can do whatever they want, waste your time, and knowingly violate your polices. Something that's repeated on every page, morons like this one, think they dont have to comply to your policies and still think your going to process their orders. What makes this asshole even more of an asshole is the fact that this piece of dirt purposely ignored a mailed invoice, knowing full well knowing that the address he placed on the sales order wasn't even the credit card's billable address. You get assholes like this one that think they can violate policies, and are too stupid and lazy to call their bank and add the address to their credit card, unless they think your too stupid to fall for for their bullshit, violate your own policies and then all of the sudden you get a chargeback dispute for non receipt because this asshole is trying to rip you off. Purposely violates policies mainly to rip you off. Anyone serious to purchase the item would of had no problem complying to the policies. Asshole!

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Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at
George Dumstorf 502-387-8248 2021-01-20


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