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Bad Buyer: Kim Smith <>


Purchase date:August 2013
Buyer's name:Debbie Ritskes
Buyer's username:Kim Smith
Phone number:3153422062
Buyer's address6047 S. Campbell Ave. IL, US 60629
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Debbie Ritskes and Kim Smith are an online credit card and mail fraudster.Debbie Ritskes and Kim Smith made a purchase on of totaling over $350 on August 29, 2013 and has filed chargeback claiming they didn't make the purchase, yet, the package was received at the shipping address with delivery proof. After getting caught on their scam, they refuses to answer the phone and email, simply disappeared with the handbags and the money. We warn anyone doing business with Debbie Ritskes and Kim Smith, they are dishonest thief who committed credit card fraud and mail fraud online and will do it again.

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Yikes. There is another Debbie Ritskes in the Ritskes Clan and this isn't the one from Hamilton. Now I really don't like google but I am glad I googled myself and found this.

Posted almost 9 years ago by 130.113.X.X Report as SPAM
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