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Bad Buyer: Mobian Solutions - James McClafferty


Purchase date:October 2023
Buyer's name:James McClafferty - Mobian Solutions
Buyer's username:Mobian Solutions - James McClafferty
Buyer's address333 Radio St, Miramichi, NB E1V 2W7 Canada
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:other
Category:Computers & Networking

James McClafferty of Mobian Solutions in Miramichi, NB Canada is a dishonest thief. James McClafferty steals items from sellers after they have been sent by lying and making up false reasons. James McClafferty of Mobian Solutions is within our 1% of the worst buyers to deal with in our last 1,000 orders in the past few months.

James McClafferty of Adaptive Mobian Solutions in Miramichi, New Brunswick is a disgrace to all businesses and should be avoided doing business with at any capacity.

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This submission is from Michael Ball. He's an eBay seller that goes by the name Spotted Unicorn. His "business" ItPartStore sells parts on eBay. I returned an item I purchased from him and he went absolutely mad claiming I was some sort of thief leaving slanderous fake comments about me. If you look at his eBay listings, or the submissions of Michael himself on this site, you will see this is a trend. He does this to anyone who returns items.

Posted 9 months ago by 142.68.X.X Report as SPAM

We will be sure to inform this additional company of your claims towards them. You STOLE parts multiple times from US. Wrong company you blame idiot.

Posted 9 months ago by 142.126.X.X Report as SPAM
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