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Bad Buyer: huanzhu liu <>


Purchase date:February 2023
Buyer's name:liuhuanzhu MYOVDB
Buyer's username:huanzhu liu
Phone number:1 971-250-8788
Buyer's address15617 NE Airport Way C/O MYOVDB Copy to clipboard Portland , OR 97251-9615
eBay item #:275651973864
Buyer's country:China
Payment method:other
Category:Dolls & Bears

this so called buyer is in China using a false address and buying, from unsuspecting Americans, or sellers beware, this is a phone sale and buyer, using a airport address and messages you are demanding how to pack the item, and is rude, very suspicious, after looking into it there is no such address...........................SELLERS BEWARE, DONT SELL TO THIS BUYER, I CANCLED SALE IMMEDIALTY AND BLOCKED HIM OR HER

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The seller is in breach of ebay contact by providing customer detailed. The seller can also be sued for giving out personal information. Ebay has done this before to seller who uses this site. I will notify the buyer that their information is sent to the public so they can take actions

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM

Oh fuck off moron, any information you put on a third party website, form etc. they can do whatever they want. You gave it to them on your own accordance, no one put a gun to your head, and they can dow hatever they want. How the fuck do you think company's like face book and Google make money dipshit, THEY SELL YOUR INFORMATION!

Posted over 1 year ago by 68.193.X.X Report as SPAM
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