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Bad Buyer: ataxman <>


Purchase date:July 2018
Buyer's name:David Dorr
Buyer's username:ataxman
Phone number:3065453548
Buyer's address115 Aspen Place Regina SK CA S4X 3B4
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:PayPal

Bad communication,Rude, arrogant
Open case on you When you are trying to figure out the cause of the problem and try to help him
No one can guarantee that 100 % of the goods sold will not have problems.And when there is a problem. Sometimes it is caused by the buyer's own improper use.
Therefore, we do not recommend doing business with this buyer, because in his values, all problems are the seller's fault. And he is not likely to have any problems, because he is god. He will not cooperate with you to verify the situation. as long as you do not follow his threats at the moment he contacts you, he will open case to you.

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