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Bad Buyer: tractran


Purchase date:April 2021
Buyer's name:Trac Tran
Buyer's username:tractran
Phone number:408-998-8888
Buyer's address87 S 13th St, San Jose, CA 95112-2022
eBay item #:254866625440
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:other
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Buyer purchased on April 27. The shipping method chosen by the buyer is economy shipping. As stated in the listing, economy shipping can take 2-14 business days to arrive and has no tracking. It is just a stamped envelope. I also sent a purchase followup message to the customer stating to please make sure they have read the shipping information section of the listing. The customer sent a reply stating he understood. Just a few days later. the buyer opened a case stating item not received. I responded to the claim and reminded the customer about what he agreed on. 2 days later, he escalated his case. Ebay closed it and refunded the customer. I I had ebay call me. They acknowledged that this is not the first time this customer has done this. He seems to go after only listing that offer no tracking then opens a case stating item not received. Unfortunately they can't do anything about it because of course, with no tracking, there is no way to to prove him wrong. So sellers get scammed.

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