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Bad Buyer: 04schnuffelfamilie <>


Purchase date:August 2021
Buyer's name:04schnuffelfamilie
Buyer's username:04schnuffelfamilie
eBay item #:123044898448
Buyer's country:Germany
Payment method:other

Buyer gives negative feedback. The book was on Ebay by mistake, because there was an error on Ebays CSV-Manager. Writes untruth in feedback and following answers.

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The seller is in breach of ebay contact by providing customer detailed. The seller can also be sued for giving out personal information. Ebay has done this before to seller who uses this site. I will notify the buyer that their information is sent to the public so they can take actions

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM

I reported the above comment as spam.
Of course it is allowed to tell other people about problems with a specific Ebay username, as long as there are no real email adresses or names told, and that is the case here. There is no problem with the entry!

Posted over 1 year ago by 46.114.X.X Report as SPAM

No it is isn't, That why ebay uses asterisk to send offer? Are you kidding me. I will report you to the buyer so they can make the report to ebay. Seller on here is stupid to link their seller ID. lol, Making the buyer and seller work less to find out the real user

Posted over 1 year ago by 174.65.X.X Report as SPAM

I swear seller think they're top dawg or the da shit when they know nothing about policy. ITs been banned before, Also people claim they can't be sue on here too. If you been on ebay long as I have, Go google and read up a story about a man sue a person for false feedback on eBay and won for hundreds of thousand

Posted over 1 year ago by 174.65.X.X Report as SPAM

You are simply not right. This entry will not be removed until the buyer apologizes for his/her behaviour. So PLEASE! feel free to tell everyone and specially this rude buyer about it. That's eventually why we posted here.
I am on Ebay since 2001, and I know exactly what I am doing. Also on Ebay forums we often mention Ebay-usernames and tell what they did. These are also publicly visible. Ebay often told us only to tell the Ebay-usernames. This is not a problem at all.
It is absolutley legal to tell the truth (and there is evidence) about a specific username. As much as I can officially call you a spammer and a troll here.
Why do you even take sides for people who have done bad things?

Posted over 1 year ago by 46.114.X.X Report as SPAM

Badbuyerlist is a very good thing and I am glad it helps telling truth about overbearing, dishonest buyers. Noone will hold us from posting here... even if a bad buyer tries to sue us. Stop intimidating sellers here.

Posted over 1 year ago by 46.114.X.X Report as SPAM
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