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Bad Buyer: jjs20142014 <>


Purchase date:October 2014
Buyer's name:Carl Bortfield
Buyer's username:jjs20142014
Phone number:02045616385
Buyer's address303 New Canterbury Road Lewisham NSW
Buyer's country:Australia
Payment method:PayPal
Category:DVDs & Movies

Scams buyer for refunds

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Get a life you Halfwit

Posted over 7 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

VERY BAD SELLER TRYS TO RIP PEOPLE OFF and i know who you are i finally found your adress on the central coast took me a while but i finally found it u dog but im coming to have a chat with u. then to the police. then display all your details all over the place just like u have done to me for years you piece of dog shit. u want to be so hard behind your computer u little fucken fairy put my childrens/families life adress online u mutt?

Posted about 7 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

fuck u
ill fix u
and u will be charged also

Posted about 7 years ago by 108.162.X.X Report as SPAM

Ill fix both of u for fraud you little liers

Posted almost 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Would you people shut up about children in dangerwhat a bunch of shit your address is on the internet anyway

Posted almost 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

More like very bad buyer

Posted almost 7 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Buyers are made constant part of the scheme for the profits. The visits of the are attached for the citizens. The proportion is followed for the removal of the fixed items for the segments. The aloe of the buyer is entailed for the discussion on all items for the people.

Posted about 5 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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