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Bad Buyer: redsportsdog


Purchase date:November 2022
Buyer's name:David Parnes
Buyer's username:redsportsdog
Phone number:+1 512-736-9858
Buyer's address2690 River RD S, Apt G, Salem OR 97302-5818
eBay item #:165346723864
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop

Buyer bought set of 3 2000 tennis cards clearly described as ExMt which he obviously intended to send in for grading. A 2000 card in ExMt condition is obviously not intended to be worth grading. He wanted to keep 1 card and return 2. I told him he could either keep all 3 or return all 3, not cherry pick one which is why he's "completely dissatisfied." He's now blocked and if you're an eBay seller you should block him too.

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