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Bad Buyer: 2014sooma <>


Purchase date:April 2015
Buyer's name:Ott Peek
Buyer's username:2014sooma
Buyer's addressOtt Peek pk 3, Veskitammi 10 Laagri, HARJUMAA 76401 Estonia
Buyer's country:Estonia
Payment method:PayPal

Paid for 2 games via paypal. They where shipped from Ireland to Estonia.

After 7 working days claimed his money back trough paypal. Shut down his ebay account. We cant contact him.

Items where not shipped registered, but they had been shipped as 2 items and our postage company offers 99% delivery rate.

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My mom is a licensed teacher. She told me that buying stuff is not advisable. as said on so many fake products that are being sold. so we should keep ourselves protected. Buying has always been hazardous; that’s why it is suggested to double check everything before making a purchase. We’ll never know, what we are taking and buying on internet might be dangerous to our health, that’s why you should not buy stuff on the internet. Huge thanks for this article, by the way!

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

I am not satisfied with you because I have a very short time for playing this game which is mostly liked by the school children that are completing their education with the help of

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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