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Bad Buyer: Carlos Contreras <>


Purchase date:November 2019
Buyer's name:Carlos Contreras
Buyer's username:Carlos Contreras
Phone number:727-858-4200
Buyer's address408 66 ST N Saint Petersburg, FL 33710
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Cell Phones & PDAs

Sellers have to put up with constant dumb ass moron buyers that cant read policies that are repeated to them on the same page. Dumb ass morons that are to fucken lazy to read and do exactly what the checkout says. They love to play their games and play their bullshit fraud games. Well this person is the same, another stupid spick from Florida that cant read policies. Will place information and do things which are against a merchants policies. The second he violated one of our policies, we blacklisted and cancelled his order. Only to find out this asshole has a past history of pulling this shit and filing fraud disputes.

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Posted about 3 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Once again stupid sticks that cant read, try to pull their bullshit of what they do, try to shift the blame to some one else to deflect the actual thing the asshole did. Instead of listening to directions and actually doing what it says, you have stupid assholes like this dumb spick thinking they can play games with the seller and make their lives more difficult as moron jack asses that cant read like this one try to get away with their bullshit.

Posted about 3 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM
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