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Bad Buyer: Daniel Hughes <>


Purchase date:March 2016
Buyer's name:Daniel Hughes
Buyer's username:Daniel Hughes
Phone number:815-600-2335
Buyer's address1113 Karen Dr Joliet, IL 60431-9066
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

This stupid asshole will deliberately try to commit mail order fraud. Buyer will find out when item ships, request support, and in less than 24 hours file a fraud dispute claiming non receipt of merchandise. Just another moron that cant read, follow directions and thinks he can make up his own policies as he sees fit. Buyer is a total stupid asshole that cant read, follow directions, and tries to steal product and money. Sellers cancel this theives purchase the second you get paid. He's nothing but a 2 bit theif.

Buyer's IP address:
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Hi, do you have the buyer eBay user name ? You entered his name in the user name section, and therefor I cannot find him on eBay to block him from buying from me. Thanks!

Posted almost 8 years ago by 107.3.X.X Report as SPAM
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