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Bad Buyer:


Purchase date:February 2019
Buyer's name:Sara Salem
Buyer's username:n/a
Buyer's address2787 N HOUSTON STREET, APARTMENT 1032, DALLAS TX 7521
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Health & Beauty

Sara Salem received a malfunctioning device from us and in a long rant told us she thinks our company sells fundamentally flawed merchandise. When we told her that the machine merely was broken and we'd normally simply replace it and add some presents for the inconvenience, she said she changed her mind about a refund and wanted a replacement machine after all. She showed a fundamental inability to understand even simple instructions, was totally wrong about many aspects of our company, the product and our store and told us she had severe mental issues with anger-management and impulsiveness aso we told her we decided not to accept her as a customer. She retaliated within hours by publishing a fake 1-star "review" on TrustPilot where she accused us of selling "used dermaneedling instruments with blood on them that cause infections".

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Here is a link to the history of this seller who blackmail her/ his ( we don’t know). customers

Posted almost 5 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

A picture of this criminal (Sara Salem) can be seen on ratebuyers dot com

Posted almost 5 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM
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