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Bad Buyer: John Wolfram <>


Purchase date:July 2015
Buyer's name:John Wolfram
Buyer's username:John Wolfram
Buyer's address1427 West Walnut Independence, MO 64050
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

Buyer is not only a thief he's a complete BS artist. Will deliberately file false dispute claiming non receipt of merchandise when he finds out the item ships. Will then make up BS lying excuses to justify his fraud! Will say he made attempts to contact company when NON EXIST, will knowing buy an item and then claim to buy another item some place else. Will then go on to spread his lying crap saying he never got emails when we tested his emails for return receipt and find out he had read them. Is permently blacklisted. Another hick trying to scam!

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