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Bad Buyer: collectors-delight <>


Purchase date:July 2019
Buyer's name:Alexander Tziamouranis
Buyer's username:collectors-delight
Buyer's addressNice, France
eBay item #:264378659260
Buyer's country:France
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Coins & Paper Money

* Buyer bought ancient silver coin.
* Paid/sent via Ebay GSP.
* On day 60 claimed it was fake [it wasnt].
* Gave fake Tracking number on return page.
* No return - still has coin and ebay France 'found in his favour' and also gave him a full refund including the GSP forwarding fee from my account.
* Reported to British Police - online Fraud.
* Has at least four similar frauds on his feedback over 15 months.

Reported at:
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