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Bad Buyer: itsdecs


Purchase date:September 2024
Buyer's name:Unknown
Buyer's username:itsdecs
Buyer's addressUnknown
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

This individual apparently likes to message random sellers, voicing their displeasure with their listings. In this case, he/she/they/them/their/ etc., sent me an unwarranted message because I called out Karens apparently. I guess this must've triggered their own inner Karen, because instead of simply passing by and moving on, she wanted to make it known how she feels, essentially being the very thing, she complained about... a Karen. The typical, you lost my business because, insert rant. I never wanted their business in the first place. Their feedback left for others is a little alarming as well. Ebay is filled with so many effed up people, just like this. This individual is no exception. Do yourself a favor. Block and move one. This Karen doesn't deserve to be served.

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