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Bad Buyer: irinka252 <>


Purchase date:May 2013
Buyer's name:ирина стринадко
Buyer's username:irinka252
Phone number:679862203
Buyer's addressкарнаушенка 56 кв.15 широкое днепропетровская обл 53700
Buyer's country:Ukraine
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Jewelry & Watches

this buyer always open a case mention he didn't recive the goods,then the want refund,

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It is a violation of ebay policy to post an ebay user information on a third party site. So you are already a suspect seller to me and your word means nothing.

Posted about 9 years ago by 100.2.X.X Report as SPAM

Hey, it's against my policy to for you to say that. What? You don't have to follow my policies? Then, third-party sites don't have to follow eBay's. eBay's policies don't mean dick outside of eBay. When they start allowing buyers to receive negs again, there won't be a need for these sites.

Posted about 6 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM

Two things: The name is Irina, so, it's a she, not a he. The other thing is, don't do business with anyone in Eastern Europe or Russia.

Posted about 6 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM
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