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Bad Buyer: anton tumanov <>


Purchase date:October 2019
Buyer's name:anton tumanov
Buyer's username:anton tumanov
Buyer's address5 s.main-street for 67670 englishtown, nj 07726
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Computers & Networking

he ordered a computer processor for $506.39 on 10/15/2019 with my amazon prime store card i called amazon right away and stopped the delivery and amazon received item back from ups on Oct 22, 2019 but for some reason i am still being charged for the item by the bank even after i called them and told them of the problem they sent me a new card i reset all my passwords and lost the dispute! how can this happen now they want me to pay $506.39 for an item i never ordered , never received, and no nothing about amazon even removed it from my order history and tracking # all i have for proof is the e-mails and my phone calls to both amazon and Synchrony Bank this needs to be dealt with why should i pay for a fraud? but if i don't pay my credit takes a big hit i am not happy with all parties involved this should have been an open and closed case!

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Alik Martynov 3024552177 2017-03-08


if you made the purchase eat it asshole, because if you get caught your spending 2 years in jail! there's a reason why you lost the dispute, if you never ordered the item, and the item was sent to the credit card's billable address, then your the thief and live with it asshole! Your a stupid moron to begin with, you never bothered to lookup the address to see what that address is and what it actually is. . You lost the dispute for that reason, being a stupid dipshit moron!

Posted almost 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

expose the sellers personal info on this website

Posted over 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Both of you people are stupid asshole morons. The fact that idiots are total fucking clueless idiots that cant read nor should you have an internet connection or a credit card. The place is Englishtown is a forwarding company! That means the asshole idiot that had his credit card hacked, has a virus on his computer and is too stupid to know it. The asshole would of filed a dispute for non receipt in which the seller has to prove the buyer received it at the credit card's billable address with restricted delivery. Not on the porch, not by someone else restricted delivery. Since you have Synchro Bank, your a broke ass bitch, so dont worry about your credit rating if you have Sncy its already there!

Posted almost 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

The seller should of looked at the address and there should of been some way of the seller knowing it was or wasnt a confirmed credit card address. If Amazon said ship to that address then Amazon is the one that has to deal with the dispute because that's what Amazon told the seller, they are the ones legally responsible. All you people are stupid assholes. Amazon is notorious for scamming sellers every single time due to buyers placing fraud disputes. that address in NJ is a fowarding company. Which basically means, international scammers steal a US credit card, make a purchase, have it shipped to an address in the US, and then have it shipped to their country. If any of you stupid ass motherfuckers bothered to look it up, you would of known that and the moron buyer your a dipshit for not seeing that.

Posted almost 3 years ago by 172.68.X.X Report as SPAM

by using this site, You're breaching policy and giving personal information to the public, You can get banned or sue if the user see this and report it. It had happen before. All seller who used this site are un-edcated idiots who used foul languages because they don't have a brain

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM

most of the seller who make complaint either used moron, idiots, fuck, shit all the foul language you can think of like a pre-teen child

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM

If this was ebay, Your account would been banned immediately if they found out you gave buyer information without their consent. I am sure amazon has that policy too

Posted over 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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