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Bad Buyer: Olivier Lambert


Purchase date:August 2021
Buyer's name:Olivier Lambert
Buyer's username:Olivier Lambert
Buyer's address478 Rue Nancy, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5Y1 Canada
Buyer's country:Canada
Payment method:other
Category:Computers & Networking

Olivier Lambert of Sherbrooke, QC Canada is an abusive bully and troll to online sellers leaving undeserving inappropriate feedback just because he can. Olivier Lambert of Sherbrooke, Quebec is within our 1% of the worst buyers to deal with in our last 1,000 online orders in the past few months.

Olivier Lambert residing at 478 Rue Nancy is a disgrace to online business and should be avoided doing business with at any capacity.

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posting buyer information on this fourum is against policy of eBay, I hope they report you for thinkng that you're smart but rather being stupid and getting yourself banned from eBay. I have reported this site to eBay already and they're aware of this.

Posted about 1 year ago by 72.220.X.X Report as SPAM
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