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Bad Buyer: 2424games <>


Purchase date:May 2021
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:2424games
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Video Games

Scammer seller !!!
Purchased 2 games
Then was refunded and when i asked why
Seller said "shipping issue's"
He 2x the price !!
Seller said i was a scammer and a thief
But this was the 1st time i purched from him.
He got me mixed up with someone who tryed to scam him .
He then threatened me and called me rasicst words .
Now he posted all my personal info
On this site .

I dont understand why people have to
Be so rude and immature ?

Im sure he will post something soon
Trying to sell his lies me you will see!

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Similar reports

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2424games 2021-05-27
2424games 2021-05-27
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2424games 2021-05-28


Harassing and rude
Not a nice person

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

Not nice to be rasicst

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

2424games uses alternate addresses to scam sellers. He used 3 separate accounts and addresses to scam us. Uses Name Brandon Whipple and Lucinda Whipple also, his family members, names and addresses. The above address is his home address.
After harassing and threatening messages and false negative feedbacks , we feel others should be warned !!!!!!!!!!!! He also is a known pedophile

Posted about 3 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

2424games uses alternate addresses to scam black sellers. Then sells your information on the black market. This shop has been accused of a cover-up Up to and including child trafficking! Credit card numbers, bank account , Social Security number and address information along with family members sensitive info becomes compromised. Sellers and buyers beware from 2424Games is a scammer Ebay shop!!

Posted over 2 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

2424games uses alternate addresses to scam black sellers. 2424games uses alternate addresses to scam black sellers. 2424games uses alternate addresses to scam black sellers. Racist POS. Esd..B!

Posted over 2 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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