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Bad Buyer: <>


Purchase date:February 2021
Buyer's name:Garret Taylor
Buyer's addressWashington
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Wire Transfer
Category:Musical Instruments

Buyer tried several timesto insisted on paypal, then wire transfer, The item was one of the higher priced on the website, but was ok with it. Then wanted it to be shipped to the US while I then pay a third party to send it on to to bolivia vua an external shipping agent.
Wanted to send me twice the value of the item for me to then send the Agent the extra money €400 for the extra shipping costs.
Excuses of my Insurance company with transfer the miney to my personal account then I forward the extra €400 to another third party.
After refusing, this and suggesting to use another seller perhaps one in the states.
Insisting it was ok as he was not worried about the money, just getting the right gift for his nephew in his Bolivian studio as a surprise gift.

He inly stopped insisting once I mentioned informing the authorities. Then all Communication ceased

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The guy tried to do the same to me, exactly the same process. Smelled the scam and stopped the transaction.

Posted over 3 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM
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