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Bad Buyer: <>


Purchase date:March 2018
Buyer's name:Greg Puckett
Phone number:3185184048
Buyer's address90 Kingston Xing Apt. 910, Bossier, Louisiana, 71111
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:Credit Card
Category:Business & Industrial

Overall Fraud Score 10.00 (this means that our Fraud screening system is completely sure the order is fraudulent)

IP information for IP:
Distance from IP to Billing (in Km) 7364
IP country matches billing country? No
IP Country Code GB
Is email from free provider? Yes
Is IP address Anonymous Proxy? No
Overall Fraud Score 10.00
Does Country of CC's bank match Billing? NA
Likelihood of IP being an Open Proxy (0-10) 1.80
Estimated State/Region Code of IP P3
Estimated City of IP Rugby
Estimated Latitude Code of IP 52.3667
Estimated Longitude Code of IP -1.2500
ISP of IP address UK Dedicated Servers Limited
Organization of IP address UK Dedicated Servers Limited
Does name of CC's bank matches billing? NA
Does customer service phone number match CC's bank? NA
Is billing phone number in billing zip code? No
Is IP or Billing in high rish country? No
Does billing city/state match zipcode? Yes
This order is very high risk, and we suggest you not accept it. This order is risky, as it might have come from an open proxy. This order is higher risk because the distance between the billing address and the user's actual location is so great. The order is slightly riskier because the e-mail domain,, is a free e-mail provider. The order is slightly riskier because the phone number supplied by the user is not located within the zip code of the billing address for the credit card. The order is higher risk because the billing country and the country in which the IP address is located don't match

Buyer's IP address:
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