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Bad Buyer: jcnebiros <>


Purchase date:December 2014
Buyer's name:n/a
Buyer's username:jcnebiros
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal

Unbelievably difficult, contentious and libelous buyer.

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Name/Username E-mail Phone Reported at
jcnebiros 2014-12-29
Juan Lopez 2018-04-21


i had a very bad experience with this buyer, DON'T SELL ANYTHING TO HIM, especially on ebay or on discogs

Posted about 7 years ago by 188.114.X.X Report as SPAM

me too: he has purchased 3 Lp`s in a short time period, claims that all three are not in the mentioned condition, opened case for all three, get money back from ebay, didn`t send me my records back. I miss over 700,- Eur now .... (I am record-scout on ebay, I only sell records every week as auction)

Posted over 6 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM

this guy is total tip off! here is how he acts, buy especially expensive items from you and after the SHORTEST possible day, start a dispute. Of course ebay bastrds will refund, because HE IS A BUYER! They don't care about sellers. As a result no money, no item and ebay DO NOT CARE! Do not sell on ebay, one day you will be ripped off the same way!

Posted about 4 years ago by 162.158.X.X Report as SPAM
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