Details: | Where do I begin, He Contacted us stating last batch he had was bad, we stated we apologize your cats got sick and you received a bad batch however you didn't buy it from us since this is you first purchase from us and you didn't receive your order from us yet. I provided this person with free prepaid label and over and over again he makes many excuses for several days. we just keep telling him how to return the items in different ways, call PO for pickup, go online, small enough to fit in your mail box put flag up etc. after today 10 days later of messages was the last straw and no he ends up here! He puts in a return stating we sent him an expired item and he didn't like our shipping cost and since he was a prime member he shouldn't have to pay shipping. Since all orders are recorded and the dated expiration date is 2022 and his complaint about a fist batch he purchased was before he even received our items we have come to the conclusion this is all about the shipping cost he paid and now he wants the items for free with no intentions of returning the items. I'm now waiting for negative feedback and an A-Z will update. |
As we expected, He put in an A-Z stating item he received from us were expired, He is a fraud!
Posted over 3 years ago by 172.69.X.X Report as SPAM