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Bad Buyer: Chris Johncke IFixYouri


Purchase date:October 2019
Buyer's name:Chris Johncke IFixYouri 4259 northlake blvd, palm beach gardens, fl 33410
Buyer's username:Chris Johncke IFixYouri
Phone number:5613372213
Buyer's address4259 northlake blvd, palm beach gardens, fl 33410
Buyer's country:United States
Payment method:PayPal
Category:Computers & Networking

iFixYouri @ 4259 northlake blvd, palm beach gardens, fl 33410

*** This review is for the location above, which was listed as a return address for their eBay store where they sell various computer and cell phone parts.

WARNING!!!! This company sold me some Macbook Pro parts screens late last year - 2019). They listed the screens as being model year "2015" screens but when we went to use the screens later on we found out that most of the screens were 2012-2014 screens, which look the same but have a different connector.

We reached out to them via multiple messages but they ignored us. Since we were past the eBay 30 day return period there was no recourse available on our end, other than the company making it right.

True SCUMBAG BEHAVIOR. They keep deleting my Yelp reviews and deny that they sold any Mac parts. Posted below is the photo with my PayPal invoice showing payment to iFixYouri and also pictures of the return address on my packages which show their Palm Beach Gardens address (4259 northlake blvd, palm beach gardens, fl 33410)

Chris Johncke, the owner,  actively deletes their 1 star Yelp reviews to make their business appear more reputable. I've seen my review as well as other scathing 1 star reviews disappear over the last few months. This is how they choose to take care of negative customer experiences instead of reaching out and speaking to their customers. He keeps having my Yelp reviews deleted by telling them I didn't do business at their location, even though I have photos of my order packaging and return labels which clearly show their address.

These people are SHADY and DISHONEST. BEWARE!!!!! 

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